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Benrey helps Gordie de-stress after work with a surprise gift he made all by himself with his shapeshifting abilities. 7/29/23

Chapter 1: Sequential Hermaphroditism

In the shallow, warm waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, nestled sweetly within the tentacles of reef anemones, lives the animal colloquially known as the clownfish. These omnivorous fish are sorted under the subfamily Amphiprioninae, in the family Pomacentridae. Though many may immediately associate the clownfish with the iconic small, oval-shaped creature with orange scales broken up by bold white and black stripes, there are actually thirty recognized species of clownfish, coming in a variety of shapes and colors.

Heavy eyelids threaten to pull Gordie to sleep. She leans back in her desk chair, much to its creaky dismay, and stretches. Her back audibly cracks. The red glare of her digital clock tells her it’s only been, what, 45 minutes? She groans, folding back over into a shrimp position to hold her head in her hands. Her glasses are knocked askew and she’s beginning to feel the roots of a growing migraine penetrate her skull. She loves teaching, she really does. She’ll tell anyone about how great it is for her, unprompted. It’s low stakes, y’know, comparatively. She still gets to explore science and share it with other people, which is her greatest passion. She can deal with the kids, too, she’s got more than enough babysitting practice from all of her excursions with the Science Team and living with Benrey to deal with even the rowdiest classroom. She doesn’t get paid that well, but that’s– it’s a given. She’s fine with it. Benrey’s got the money covered with his job at the Phillips 66, somehow. Gordie’s not gonna question it. Not any more than she already has, at least.

No, it’s not the kids, nor the paycheck, it’s not even the shitty parents that wear her down. It’s the grading. For all the gray hairs Black Mesa gave her, at least when she got home after her shift she could just forget about all of her responsibilities until the next day. Aside from the odd work email here and there, her apartment was a safe space to do absolute fuckall, her other greatest passion. Not anymore. She could fuss with grading things the entire workday, red pen to paper every second she had free, but she would always inevitably be left with a pile of worksheets and reports to take back home.

After another unsatisfied groan, Gordie shakes her head and reaches for her mug of coffee, before realizing with a whine that it’s empty. If she gets up to refill it, Benrey’s gonna see her and rope her into playing Splatoon 2 with him. So, forgoing the caffeine, she begrudgingly focuses her attention back on the lightly crumpled sheet sitting condescendingly on her desk.

Clownfish are also known as anemonefish, and it’s not hard to see why. Across all thirty species, these small fish are famous models of symbiotic relationships. Anemones and clownfish have formed a mutually beneficial symbiosis, in which the fish make their home within the anemone’s dense forest of tentacles. This provides an immediately obvious benefit to the fish: shelter. Anemones are predators, and their tentacles have toxins that sting their prey, paralyzing them. Clownfish, however, have evolved a mucus coating that renders them immune to said toxins, though they do need to rub up against the tentacles each time they enter to get acclimated. The anemone provides the clownfish a home with built-in security, making it a perfect place for the fish to evade predators and lay their eggs. They get free snacks too– any prey that the anemone doesn’t manage to swallow, or that gets caught within its tentacles, is easy food for the clownfish.

Gordie’s so absorbed in her work that she barely hears the decrepit creak of her door swinging open. Distantly, she knows the culprit, and she thus decides to ignore it.

Clownfish are highly social and they communicate with each other with various clicks and pops. They live in small groups of several males and one female, led by the single breeding pair of said female and the largest male of the group. The clownfish social structure is notable for exhibiting a fairly uncommon process known as protandry. Protandry is a type of sequential hermaphroditism in which an organism begins its life as a male and later transitions to being female. All clownfish are born male, and once the female of their group dies, the largest male undergoes protandry and becomes female, taking her place. The second largest male, then, becomes her breeding partner.

The sudden pat of a hand on Gordie’s shoulder makes her reflexively jump. The hand immediately retracts, like it accidentally picked a fight with a hot stovetop. She groans dramatically, really drawing it out.

“Benrey, I thought I told you–”

“yeah, no touch. sorry. uh, forgot.”

Gordie begrudgingly swivels her chair around to face Benrey. Looking up at his round, scruffy face, she picks up on a hint of embarrassment, which almost makes her smile out of some combination of affection and validation. Almost. She’s can’t engage him, he’ll distract the fuck out of her, or drag her into some sort of argument or elaborate bit that she can’t escape from, no matter how hard she tries to claw her way out.

“It’s– the touching is fine, Ben, you just can’t sneak up on me like that. I gotta know to expect it, ya know?” Gordie explains, her voice soft and gentle.

No response. Benrey just continues staring into the middle distance. Gordie narrows her eyes.

“... Is there something you want? Why are you in here?”

Benrey finally returns Gordie’s gaze, a sharp-toothed grin spreading across his face. “yeah,” he replies. “got a present for you. you’ll like it.”

Without giving her a single moment to process his words, Benrey promptly plops his ass down on Gordie’s lap, thighs bracketing her own, not breaking eye contact for a second. A year ago, Gordie would’ve thought– probably correctly– that this is creep behavior. Now, it just makes her sigh in exasperation and squeeze her eyes shut. She instinctually rests her hands on his hips.

“No,” she states authoritatively.

“whuh–” Benrey whines after a beat, his dopey grin fading. “whaddaya mean no? i’m tryin’a be nice. you… do you turn down Santa Claus too? have a little… christmas cheer.” His hands busy themselves with the sleeves of Gordie’s dress shirt, mussing up the fabric nervously.

“It’s your dick, man!” Gordie opens her eyes again to display the most intimidating glare she can muster, squeezing the soft fat under her fingers. “You’ve done this bit, like, a million times! Go jack off somewhere else, man, I’m busy,” she commands, trying to shove him off her lap, with little-to-no success.

“it’s not my dick, gords,” Benrey deadpans, not budging. “why’re you… why ya thinkin’ about my dick anyway, huh? slobbering all over me. you’re a dirty girl, aren’t’cha?”

“Benrey,” Gordie warns, “I have, like, so much shit to do. You can’t pull me away from it, man. It’s– god, I gotta have all, what, 60 of these these graded by Monday? Oh my god, there’s 60 of them.” Her hands abandon Benrey’s hips to hide her own face, fogging up her glasses. “There’s fucking 60 of them, dude, and like, yeah, I’m like a quarter through them, but, holy fuck! There are only so many uninspired bare-minimum middle school science reports I can read before I go insane for real. I think I’m starting to, I don’t know, see stars, or something. My optometrist is gonna be pissed, I’m gonna need an even higher prescription, or whatever, because I’ve been straining them so much, and–”

Gordie feels her whole body relax before she can even register that Benrey’s hitting her with blue Sweet Voice. It washes over her immediately, every muscle in her body un-tensing, and a cool blue raspberry scent permeates the air. She lets her hands fall back down to rest on Benrey’s thighs delicately. She huffs, opening her eyes once more to meet Benrey’s, which betray absolutely nothing. Irritation mounts in her chest. “Really, man?”

“you gotta calm down,” Benrey replies with similar annoyance. “how long you been sitting here tearing your cute lil’ hairs out, bro?” He pauses, pursing his lips as the gears turn in his brain. “shit– uh, sis. sister,” he corrects himself. Gordie snorts.

“Benrey, it’s fine, you can call me that. It’s really sweet of you to worry about it but I’m tired of reminding you it doesn’t bother me.”

Benrey just pouts. Gordie sighs. It’s only Friday. She’s got plenty of time.

“Alright, you’re right. I do need a break, I guess. To get more coffee if nothing else,” Gordie admits, looking first at her “I ❤ MILFS” mug languishing beside her clock, then to Benrey for a response. When she doesn’t get one, she clears her throat and shifts in her seat, legs starting to fall asleep from Benrey’s weight and his sedative Sweet Voice. “Uh, what’s the present then? You broke into my fucking room to show me, it better be good.”

Benrey finally hops off Gordie’s lap, grinning. Her chair scoots back from the force, just a bit. She watches, unimpressed, and Benrey predictably throws himself onto her bed with little consideration for its poor abused springs. He shuffles into a comfortable position on his back, shoving the comforter off to the side, enlisting a pillow to support him in sitting up just a tad, and he spreads his legs. Once he’s finally situated, he looks back up at Gordie, still proudly displaying his stupid dopey sharp-toothed smile. “come ‘n get it,” he taunts, wiggling his ass for emphasis.

Gordie, against her better judgment, begrudgingly hauls herself out of her chair and joins Benrey on the bed. She grabs Benrey’s knees, settling between his legs. She gives him an utterly unamused look. “So what happened to ‘it’s not my dick, Gords, I would never do a bit, I've never done bits,’ dude? Let me guess– the present’s your balls. Or your ass, or something. You’re getting really creative,” she grumbles, reaching her flesh-and-blood hand down to the waistband of Benrey’s sweatpants. His breathing stills for a moment.

“still wrong. you’re kinda sucks at guessing.”

“I could get up and go to the park, or something. I could go to Tommy’s and just leave you here to jack off alone.”

“you wouldn’t. you’re obsessed with me,” Benrey sing-songs in an irritating voice, wiggling again. “c’mooon. unwrap your present, everyone’s waiting, they’ve got their cameras out, wanna get your reaction for the family photo album. scrapped book.”

Gordie groans and abruptly pulls Benrey’s pants and boxers off in one motion before he could continue his train of thought. She tosses them with her prosthetic arm to her laundry bin, watching them hit the wall and pathetically flop onto the ground instead. Of course. Gordie braces herself. She’ll play along, suck Benrey off, get him to stop annoying her, and she’ll go back to her work. If she’s lucky she could gather the courage to make him blow her under the desk or whatever. Something red-hot gathers inside her at that mental image. She’ll be quick. She’s not gonna waste time.

When Gordie finally brings her attention back to Benrey, however, she freezes. Something’s thrown a wrench in her plans. There’s– well. There’s no dick to suck, for one thing. Instead, between Benrey’s thick, sturdy thighs, nestled in a forest of wiry, thick black hair, is a pussy. Thick lips parting to reveal a deep lavender interior, already slick and dripping. Up top, the clit is hard and enlarged, standing so proudly above the hole. Gordie swallows, then realizes she’s been holding her breath. She lets it out, her exhale turning into a minorly hysterical laugh. The familiar musky smell of it in conjunction with plum hits her, and it does some Pavlovian shit to her.

“Holy shit,” Gordie whispers and scoots a bit closer to Benrey, pushing his shirt up with her prosthetic to get a better look at the trail of wiry black hair leading to her present. It is for her, isn’t it? “I don’t know why I never considered you could do that.”

Benrey, seemingly already affected, breathily stutters: “so you– you like it, right? good present?”

Gordie laughs again, louder this time, bordering on delirious. “Yeah,” she starts, collecting herself, “Great present, Ben.” She backs off only for a moment to tug her dress shirt off, leaving the bra on for now. Benrey shamelessly ogles at how her tits bounce free. He swallows. As Gordie scoots back, positioning herself on her belly in front of Benrey’s cunt, she resigns herself to her fate. She’s not gonna get much done tonight. It’s fine. This is far more interesting than whatever the fuck clownfish have going on. The faint smell of plum mixed with musk hits her again, stronger this time, and she smiles. “Can’t wait to try it out,” she purrs.

Not wasting another second, Gordie immediately spreads Benrey open with her thumb, and licks a broad, confident stripe up his slit, flicking his clit with her tongue for good measure, her chin already drenched with Benrey’s wetness just from one swipe. He gasps and all but jumps out of his skin, shaky hands gripping the bedsheets with otherworldly strength. All Gordie can hope for is that he doesn’t tear them up too badly. “hhholy shit,” he breathes, shakier than Gordie’s heard from him in a while. “oh my god.” Gordie laughs, squeezing his thighs in what she hopes is a placating gesture.

“Yeah? Did you even touch yourself at all before this? You’re so sensitive,” Gordie teases, rubbing small circles into Benrey’s plush thighs. He closes his mouth and turns his head to bury it in a pillow, face flushed and eyebrows drawn together. Embarrassed. It’s a cute look on him, Gordie thinks fondly. She likes having the upper hand for once.

“no. i just, uh, i checked for bugs n shit, made sure it wasn’t all messed up, that’s it,” Benrey mumbles into the pillow somewhat incomprehensibly. Gordie cringes and flicks her eyes between Benrey’s cunt and his lavender-dusted face.

“Bugs, Benrey? What?”

“glitches,” he replies, matter-of-factly.

Gordie huffs out a small laugh and rests her forehead on Benrey’s belly. His happy trail tickles her a bit. “Phrasing, man! I was worried you were gonna have, like, spiders down there,” she scolds, but her smile is distinctly audible.

“do you want there to be spiders?”

“No!” Gordie picks her head up and slaps Benrey’s thigh. “You’re ruining the mood, dude.” Benrey’s mouth forms a nearly imperceptible smile, and he looks back down at his girlfriend. She catches his pupils locking on to her wet lips and dilating. Then, it hits her.

“So you didn’t masturbate, like, at all?” Gordie asks, before adding somewhat timidly: “You saved it for me?”

Benrey’s eyes flick up to meet hers. Somehow, his pupils spread to cover even more of his irises than before. “yeah.” He swallows. “it’s not in mint condish’ though. ‘s modeled after other people’s. but i, uh, this is all new for me, so i’m…” He pauses, scrunching his eyes shut and turning violet again. “just fuckin’ do it. pussy. mine, though. please?”

“Alright, alright,” Gordie chuckles. Something warm and fluttery has been brewing in her chest at the prospect of showing Benrey something new, especially something this intimate. She’d be lying if she said there wasn’t a bit of jealousy mixed in there too, but she decides she’s gonna channel that frustration into eating Benrey out like an animal. So, she shimmies back into position, shifting her hips a bit to accommodate the boner she didn’t notice she’d gotten until now. Inches away from his pussy again, she takes a deep breath. God, that smell does things to her. Makes her head spin. “I should warn you, though, I’m good at this.”

“fuckin’, prove it then– oh shit!” Benrey slams his fist on the mattress as Gordie licks into him again. She buries her nose in between his thighs and laps up all the sweet slick that’s been tempting her. It’s a familiar taste, thankfully, she missed that musky flavor, but behind it she can pick up traces of plum. It pulls her in, making her go deeper, suck on his twitching clit harder, linger around his entrance, push her tongue in a bit. She doesn’t know if it’s the bit of plum making her crazy or that she just misses pussy that bad, but she feels like a woman possessed. (She hadn’t been with many people since college at all. Even then, she wasn’t getting around in college that much anyway. Being an anxious bicurious dysphoric wreck studying for a PHD in theoretical physics will do that to you.) Either way, it’s certainly doing things to Benrey. He’s stirring up a racket, thrashing around, and moving a hand to grip Gordie’s hair, just hard enough for it to hurt, but it was bearable to her. It was bearable because he was louder and far more reactive than he had been for a long while. Every lap forces a noise out of him, a little whine or a strained moan, and when she sucks on his dick, she swears she can hear him shout. It’s wordless; Benrey’s never been good with words, even before "The Incident,” as he ominously calls it, but it gets the point across just fine. The point being that at this rate he’s gonna come any second now, but Gordie doesn’t want that. Not yet. So she draws back, his clit escaping the suction of her mouth with a wet pop. He whimpers again, high and needy, and decidedly more pouty than before. He looks absolutely wrecked, from his scrunched eyebrows to his scraggly hair to his shaky legs. She lets him catch his breath.

“c’monnn-uh! what was that for?” Benrey complains, but without the energy or the breath necessary to put any real force into it.

Gordie snickers. “If you’re gonna come, you’re doing it on my fingers, sweetheart,” she coos, moving her hand to circle Benrey’s entrance with her middle finger. She rests her weight on her elbows, her prosthetic hand still delicately gripping his thigh. She doesn’t wanna pinch his skin between her metal joints. Benrey takes in a quick breath and holds it, then shakes his head like a dog that just got a particularly traumatizing bath.

“yeah. ok,” he deadpans.

Gordie snorts. After a few more moments of teasing Benrey’s hole, gathering the abundant purple-tinted slick as she does, she gently slips her finger in as far as it’ll go. To her surprise, Benrey instantly arches his back and fires rust Sweet Voice out of his mouth like a revolver. She chuckles meanly at him. “That good huh? I thought you tested it. Did you not finger yourself?”

“diff– feels different when you do it. asshole.”

Smug satisfaction swirls in Gordie’s chest. Benrey’s face is awash with a deep purple flush that just emphasizes his otherworldly charm. “Cute,” she mumbles and starts to move her hand in and out. She does it slowly, trying to accommodate for how adorably sensitive he is. Benrey tries to buck up into her, which she allows. She doesn’t think he can handle much more teasing. She realizes with some delay that she can’t either, evidenced by her subtle grinding into the mattress she didn’t notice herself doing at first. Gordie huffs out a hot breath, frustrated at how little relief she’s getting through her restrictive dress pants. She’s gotta get this going, for both of their sakes. Thankfully, Benrey’s loose enough to add another finger, so she does, and his thighs clench. Gordie looks up at his face one more time, where she can see him drooling plum, before going in to suck his dick while she’s still got her fingers in him. She times it with a crook of her fingers, and Benrey all but screams.

“houh god, holy shit, gordie, oh my god–” Benrey pants, bucking his hips up against Gordie’s face. He couldn’t sit still if he tried. “can’t– you’re gonna– i’m gonna come if you don’t– hrk!” He paws at her scalp blindly. “gonna– you’re so good, i’m gonna–”

Gordie crooks her fingers and massages what she’s found to be Benrey’s sweet spot, bobbing her head, circling the head of his clit with her tongue. It twitches, and Benrey shoves her against his cunt with a prolonged cry mixed with some Sweet Voice. He arches his back and squeezes her skull with his thighs. Gordie is pleasantly satisfied, content to lay there as long as Benrey needs, until she feels a burst of wetness on her chin and hand. Reluctantly abandoning the cute throbbing clit that was sitting so nicely on her tongue, she pries Benrey’s thighs open enough to back up and get a better look. Her eyes widen and arousal shoots through her, making her dick ache.

Benrey’s squirting. Not in the traditional sense, she’s not really sure he could do that without deliberately trying to, but he’s squirting plum Sweet Voice. As it soaks into Gordie’s skin, she reckons this makes sense, since he needs to expel the built up plum somehow, and usually it’s through ejaculation, but…

Rational thought gets quickly drowned out by pure want, a combination between the plum and the sheer eroticism of it all, so Gordie bends back down to catch the rest of it in her mouth. She gently laps up the rest of it, at least where it got on her hands and her chin and Benrey’s lips. Through her haze, she hears Benrey mutter an awed “holy shit gords.” A new surge of desire runs through her, and her dick throbs. She’s gotta wait for Benrey to recover though. Still, she sits up, ignoring her back’s protests, and she compromises by undoing her button and her fly on her dress pants, just to get a bit of relief.

She glances up at Benrey, who’s got an arm thrown over his eyes, purple drool running down his face, and he’s panting like a dog. “You alright, man?” she asks. A genuine question, because he does look like a disaster, but she’s also teasing him a bit.

Benrey throws his arm off to the side and burps out a couple more bubbles of plum. Gordie snickers.

“cheater. you cheated,” he rasps out.


“fuckin’... hacked my pussy. used auto-cum cheat code. not fair,” Benrey pouts.

Gordie laughs again. “Hey man, that’s just raw natural talent. I didn’t hack shit.” She places a placating hand on Benrey’s knee, lightly rubbing her thumb into his sallow skin. “You’re really sensitive, too. You haven’t been this loud in ages. Plus,” she says, looking up at the ceiling, “if I didn’t already know Sweet Voice disappears after a while I would be seriously worried about that giant purple and orange stain.”

Benrey flushes. “keep being mean and maybe it will stain.”

Gordie rolls her eyes affectionately, scooting up to be face-to-face with her girlfriend. “Very threatening,” she croons, meeting Benrey halfway for a kiss. She meant for it to be quick, but she can’t refuse Benrey’s deft tongue sliding into her mouth, how it curls around hers and reaches much further than a human’s would ever be able to. His mouth is always a sickly sweet cacophony of flavors, whatever color he’s feeling at the moment being the most prominent of course, but Gordie loves to lap up any stray emotions Benrey has lingering on his tongue, his teeth, his gums… She gets a little lost in it all before her cock very helpfully reminds her that she’s got other plans aside from making out with Benrey all night. She’s gotta ask Benrey if he’s alright to keep going, or if he can suck her off, or something, because she thinks she might die if she doesn’t get her dick wet in the next five minutes. Just as she prepares to pull back, she feels Benrey’s hands slide from her sides and up to her back, circling her bra clasp, which he awkwardly fumbles with. Gordie breaks the kiss to bury her head in his shoulder, shuddering in anticipation. Then Benrey opens his mouth.

“how come, uh. you didn’t let the puppies out when you got home. they– what if they have to–”

“Benrey,” Gordie warns.

“– pee,” he finishes lamely, finally getting the bra undone.

Gordie sits up, straddling Benrey’s thighs, a stern look on her face. She shuffles the bra off and chucks it aside where it joins Benrey’s pants and boxers in a sad pile beside the laundry bin. She releases her hair from her ponytail for good measure, letting it cascade around her shoulders. “I had a lot of shit to do, dude,” she explains, peeling her pants off next. Her socks go with them, and Benrey’s eyes bounce between her tits and her feet, clearly not listening all that intently. “Well, I have a lot of shit to do. I didn’t really think about it.” Only in her panties now, she looks down and winces at the sight of the head of her dick poking out of them. Benrey doesn’t seem to be nearly as embarrassed about it, if his audible gulp is anything to go by. She slips out of the underwear too, sighing in relief now that it’s finally free. Getting back into position, she sits back on Benrey’s thighs, her dick nestling in his thick bush of pubic hair, smearing her precum into it. He lets out a long string of rust.

Gordie looks stunning, in Benrey’s mind. He’s made that much clear to her countless times. In the room dimly lit by the golden glow of her desk lamp, her features are soft, and she’s entirely warm, pleasant colors– from her copper hair, to her deep chocolate eyes, to the clusters of cinnamon freckles, to the flushed red of the head of her cock as it twitches in anticipation. Her rhythmic breathing brings attention to her breasts, heavy and burdened by marks underneath where the bra had squeezed a bit too tightly. They do just keep growing, after all, so some of her bras are getting small on her. It’s the price to pay for great tits, she guesses, alongside the literal price for HRT (far too much). Below, her tummy is similarly round and hefty. Though it had always been that way, estrogen did help make it a bit bigger and softer, too. It’s got rolls, and it’s dusted in the occasional freckle and faint hairs that get significantly thicker and denser as they coalesce around her crotch. Benrey looks back up at her tits again and makes a childish grabby-hand gesture. Gordie’s expression softens into something more affectionate.

“What about your ‘puppies,’ man? I’m not coming down there ‘til you’re just as naked as I am,” she chides.

“whuh? oh.”

Once Benrey finishes wrestling his shirt off, Gordie promptly leans over to drape her tits right over his face. Her mouth splits into a mean, smug grin when she hears Benrey swallow down some Sweet Voice.

“This what you wanted?”

Wordlessly, Benrey reaches up to hold her boobs in his hands. Firmly, but not too hard, he begins to knead and massage them. Gordie sucks in a breath. His hands reverently trace the bra marks on her skin.

“your job’s not gonna be any easier when you’re… strangling your tits. you should, uh, let them breathe,” Benrey pleads, pushing Gordie’s sides up a bit to get a better angle. The motion unexpectedly rubs her dick up against his slick clit, which coaxes a hiss out of the both of them.

“Fuck,” Gordie whispers, “that’s good.” She lets her eyes drift close as she repeats the motion, all the while Benrey’s kneading her chest like dough. They keep doing this for a few moments, but when he starts to pinch her nipples, Gordie groans and pauses in her movements. She lazily opens her eyes, immediately meeting Benrey’s gaze. “You want me to fuck you?” she rumbles, trying to sound suave. Benrey takes a moment to process the question, then snorts.

“no shit, girl.”

Gordie rolls her eyes and hauls herself off Benrey to settle between his legs. “Sorry for checking in, I guess! Asshole.” She tamps down her embarrassment and spreads Benrey’s pussy lips apart with one prosthetic thumb. She gently presses the tip of her dick up against his hole with her other hand.

“just think maybe you’re the one who wants to– fuck!” Benrey blurts out as Gordie pushes herself in, slowly and carefully. Any words he had lined up are all replaced by whimpers and pants. She’s barely moving, being overly careful so as to not overwhelm him, which is evidently the right call, given how worked up he is over this first step. His thighs quiver, and he crosses his calves behind her, attempting to nudge her closer, but she’s determined to take it slow. For Benrey’s sake. It helps that it makes him so desperate, too. When she bottoms out, he sings a wobbly line of rust, tossing his arms around Gordie’s neck, clinging to her like he’ll fall to his death if he doesn’t.

Once Benrey’s breathing slows down a bit, Gordie checks in with him. “Doing ok?”

“hrngh, yeah, it’s good, so good,” Benrey whines. “doing awesome. thank you. ma’am.”

“Good,” she smiles warmly, petting his greasy hair and giving him a kiss on the forehead. He’s really cute when he’s all pathetic like this. Then, she drops to her elbow, using her other arm to hold Benrey’s legs open. “Good,” she repeats softly, mostly to herself, and she starts moving her hips, eyebrows drawn together and mouth hanging slightly ajar. She moans at the relief, and can’t help but thrust into him a little faster than she had planned. He’s wet, he’s so wet from all the shit they did before this, and while he’s not too tight, he’s certainly not loose either. She groans, and she feels Benrey’s walls clench and his voice whine in response. Nuzzling her face into his neck again, Gordie licks the sugary skin there, before biting and sucking a nasty bruise into it. She’s still going pretty slow, but anyone who overheard all this wouldn’t be able to tell, given Benrey’s persistent moans and keens and bursts of Sweet Voice that sound out nearly every time she ruts into him. The whole situation is quite dangerous for Gordie’s ego.

Unlatching from Benrey’s neck, Gordie starts fucking him in earnest. The bedframe creaks in protest. She feels the prick of his claws against herback, but she can’t find it in her to care as she gets a good look at Benrey’s face. “Fuck,” she rasps out, “you look good like this.” Really, he looks completely destroyed. His eyes are scrunched shut, mouth wide open in what looks like a prolonged cry, his chin is caked in plum and rust drool, and if she didn't know any better, Gordie would be seriously concerned about how purple his face is. For the faintest second, she smiles, before deliberately slowing to a halt. Benrey whines, tears forming at the corners of his eyes when he wrenches them open.

"guh– hey, c- c'mon, gordie, please, please," Benrey begs, no prompting needed. Gordie's face splits into a shit-eating grin. “gonna– i’m gonna die if you don’t let me come, for real, it’s– it’ll all be over. please? please, for your best girl benrey? hngh, please?” Gordie nearly cackles, feeling a rush of power coarse through her. It’s almost making her lightheaded.

“I’ve never seen you this needy,” she croons, squeezing Benrey’s thigh. “It’s a cute look on you. You should beg more often.” He shuts his eyes and whimpers, attempting to hide his face with his arm again. She lets him. Poor guy’s probably pretty overstimulated.


Gordie snickers. “Alright.” To the audible relief of them both, she starts moving again. "You’re not gonna interrupt me again then, yeah? You– hrngh, fuck– you learned your lesson right?" The bedframe resumes its weak creaking.

"haaahh– fuck, oh my god," Benrey whines, claws scratching at Gordie’s back again, leaving angry red marks in their wake. "yeah, thank you, please– fuck, thank you, i won't– won't do it again, ma’am, be so good, i promise– ooohhh fuck!" He holds onto her tighter, digging his claws in deeper, teeth bared and gritted. Gordie shifts a bit, and hits a spot in Benrey that makes him cry. Chasing that noise, she progresses to rutting up into him like that with the enthusiasm of a shark tearing into its prey. The bed rocks with it. Benrey’s getting ever closer to release, Gordie can tell. He’s increasingly erratic, his walls are hugging her so tightly– almost enough to be uncomfortable if he wasn’t so slick, and he’s babbling little “please”s and “Gordie”s and various expletives. Tears that had formed at the corners of his scrunched eyes drift onto the pillows, coloring them an icy lavender in little spots. She’s not faring much better herself, but she’s hanging in there, because she needs to feel Benrey come on her dick, maybe more than she’s ever needed anything. So she keeps going, reciting the periodic table in her head, as she lowers her hand down to his clit, rubbing it in quick circles. That, within seconds, does the trick.

Benrey shouts, a new mixture of his Sweet Voice with his normal voice cracking through. He scratches at Gordie’s shoulder blades hard enough to draw blood, his thighs clamp around her hips, effectively trapping her, he arches off the bed so dramatically Gordie’s sure he probably pulled a muscle, and he clenches so, so deliciously tight around her that it makes her growl and hump him with what little mobility she has left. The sweet plum bursting and pooling around her cock definitely helps. As Benrey’s loudly riding the aftershocks, Gordie digs her fingers into his scruffy thighs, bites roughly into his neck, and buries herself as deep as she can, pumping him full of her cum. She ruts into him weakly a couple more times, then she fully collapses on top of him, not even bothering to pull out. Benrey doesn’t seem to mind. He's too busy catching his breath.

A few minutes, or perhaps a few hours, pass before Gordie regains her senses. She blinks through her smudged glasses, which somehow managed to get a few drops of plum on them, getting a good look at Benrey. He’s– well. He’s absolutely fucked. His legs are still shaking like a newborn fawn’s. His eyes are barely visible behind lazy slits. His face is caked in colorful drool, and his tongue is lolling out a bit. Gordie chuckles at him in a raspy voice as she carefully pulls out and sits up beside him. After a moment, Benrey shakes his head in an attempt to ground himself again, before slowly tilting his head to look at her.

He smiles. Gordie smiles back.

“You’ve got something here,” she says, bending over to wipe off some of the Sweet Voice from his chin with her thumb. “You look like a toddler who picked a fight with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and lost, bud.”

Benrey lazily and mostly unsuccessfully smudges the rest away with his forearm. In the pleasant dim yellow of her fruit-scented room, nestled between her weird girlfriend and her soft comforter, Gordie is nearly overcome with love for this idiot.

Benrey’s deep, hoarse voice cuts through the white noise or their shared breaths. “so did you like it? the present.”

Gordie leans down to peck him on the cheek, then she hops off the bed to rummage through her drawers. “Yeah, I did. Thanks, sweetheart.” Pulling new panties and pajamas out, she feels a rush of affection and mild anxiety both. “Now let me grade these fucking papers,” she says, with no real ire behind it. She slips the clean clothes on, shivering at the texture of fabric on her skin after going so long without it. It’s soft, though, and Gordie can’t deny that she’s obsessed with the paw print pattern, despite how childish it makes her feel. It’s one of Benrey’s better impromptu gifts.

“yeah,” Benrey yawns. “kay. give a– do– … what’s my grade,” he mumbles wearily.

Gordie plops down on her desk chair once again, glaring at the clock where it reminds her that she’s only got so many hours left in the weekend. “A,” she answers, trying to distract herself by cleaning her glasses. “You’d get an A+ if you had better timing.” She only receives a snore in response.

Gordie takes a deep breath, slides her glasses back on, and resigns herself to the unending horror of grading papers yet again. She picks up where she left off.

Female clownfish can lay anywhere from 100 to 1,500 eggs. Like most fish, the eggs are fertilized externally, meaning that the females lay unfertilized eggs, which the male spreads his sperm over afterward. Damaged eggs may get consumed by the male, who now spends most of his time guarding them. Spawning typically occurs around the full moon, and many speculate that this is to make the hatching coincide with the high tide, giving the hatchlings a better chance to escape potential predators.

Distantly, Gordie wonders if she’s forgetting something.